Sponsor a Child +64 27 307 4348 | +1 707 595 7840
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For bank transfers, checks and automatic payments to Ruel Foundation, please follow the instructions below specific to your country.
NB: When sponsoring a child, please set up your automatic payment to occur monthly.
When making donations please ENSURE that your reference is RF_Surname (where _Surname is your name. eg; RF_smith).
ANZ 060491 0160788 00 Swift Code: ANZBNZ 22
BSB: 062 028 Account Number: 0090 5951 Account Name: ASIAC Overseas Aid Fund Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Please provide your donation through Stewardship. This Christian organisation transforms the way you give by allowing the Ruel Foundation to receive an additional 25% extra on your donation by claiming back the tax you would pay. Please contact them at:
Stewardship PO Box 99, Loughton, Essex IG10 3QJ or by calling 08452 26 26 27 or 020 8502 5600 and quote our Sovereign account number: 20096960
The Ruel Foundation is a registered charitable organization 501(c)3 in California.
Please make all checks payable to Ruel Foundation and post to our California office:
Ruel Foundation USA
All donations to the Ruel Foundation in the USA are tax deductible.
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Donation Total: $28.51 One Time
{amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees.